
Two examples of business plans produced by HEC Junior Conseil

What is a business plan?

The Business Plan is the strategic core of a project. It is a written document that synthesizes a project to create a company or a start-up, or to launch a new product on the market. Its objective is to determine a strategic course of action for the next 3 to 5 years.

It is often one of the first steps for entrepreneurs to formalize all their research and documentation and is useful both for the start-up and for future investors. The form of the business plan is often predetermined: it is a detailed plan that start-ups set for themselves and that they are supposed to follow for the next few years. 


If you missed it and want to understand in more detail what a business plan is, we invite you to read our previous article :

How does HEC Junior Conseil work on business plans?

What types of clients are there? In which fields?

HEC Junior Conseil produces business plans for various clients, ranging from simple self-employed entrepreneurs to CAC40 companies wishing to launch a new project. Companies calling on the Junior Entreprise are looking for a commercial or financial business plan to launch a product on a market or to establish a financing plan for a future project.
HEC Junior Conseil operates in all fields: we carry out business plans in the health sector, in science or in technology.
Following a call for tenders, our project managers analyze the client's needs and send a proposal specifying the methodology of the business plan.

How are students selected?

Business plans are produced by students in Master 2 at HEC who have already done internships in strategy consulting firms, and who thus have a certain expertise in the field. HEC Junior Conseil is also fortunate to have at its disposal students in Double Degree with Polytechnique, Agro Paris Tech, ENSAE, Sorbonne and many other Grandes Écoles and universities, thanks to whom HEC Junior Conseil can realize Business plans in technical fields.

The students are selected after analysis of the candidates' CVs. HEC Junior Conseil makes sure to choose students whose profile corresponds the most to the client's expectations in order to realize the business plan. 

Two examples of HJC's business plans

Business plan for Dom&Vie

Context of the study

Italian shower

DOM&VIE is a French company with a unique know-how in the field of adapted fittings. It is a network of 54 agencies offering PRM solutions in France. When Dom&Vie contacted HEC Junior Conseil, its sales were growing exponentially and its capacities were overwhelmed (not enough stocks, overloaded staff, ...). 

DOM&Vie wanted to proceed with a fundraising of between 2 and 3 million euros with BPI France. The company therefore called upon HEC Junior Conseil to prepare the financial documents necessary for the presentation of its project.

Business plan proposed by HJC

In order to meet the client's needs, HEC Junior Conseil began by taking note of the pre-written work (annual financing plan, deck etc.). 

creation of business plan

After these preparatory elements, we started the production of the requested documents :

  • Breakdown of expenditures and use of funds The purpose of this section is to compare the income statements with and without fundraising to determine the use of funds.
  • Monthly plan HJC's main objective is to recover the annual income statements as well as the document presenting the seasonality of Dom&Vie's activity. On the basis of these two resources, HJC can then monthlyize these income statements.

All these data were synthesized and formatted in a written document, which was delivered as a final deliverable at the end of the mission.

Contributions of the mission carried out

The participants in this mission were confronted with the preparation of a fundraising, which is a unique experience for them. unique experience for them, some of whom will do internships in investment funds.

The mission was a success since the client has effectively was able to complete its fundraising of two million euros. This fund raising allowed them to develop a commercial activity in parallel with their franchise activity.

HEC Junior Conseil's work also allowed the client to structure its financial department by setting up financial reports for each business unit, in order to have a clearer and more precise activity follow-up.

Today, Dom&Vie is working on several areas of development: perfecting its digital marketing (digital acquisition that allows them to provide services to their franchisees), working on their sourcing (acquisition of products from suppliers in Europe rather than in China).

As a result of this fundraising, HJC has been able to work with Dom&Vie on numerous occasions, demonstrating our client's satisfaction with the work provided.

Did you know that?

HEC Junior Conseil can also carry out your market studies to prepare the launch of new products or to give you the necessary keys for strategic decisions.

Business plan for Préfon

Context of the study

Préfon (Caisse nationale de prévoyance de la fonction publique) is the leading savings plan in France with more than 470,000 members since its creation and 17 billion in assets under management.

As a result of the 2019 PACTE Act, Préfon considered launching a PERcat, which is a new form of retirement plan. As part of this project, HJC had already conducted a quantitative study for Préfon.

Préfon called on HEC Junior Conseil to draw up a business plan to clarify the project from a financial point of view.

Solution proposed by HEC Junior Conseil

HEC Junior Conseil elaborated a financial and commercial business plan, based on the quantitative study we had already conducted for Préfon.

  • First, HEC Junior Conseil proposed a market assessment potential client by crossing the top down and bottom up methods (see explanations on the attached diagram). This was achieved through the benchmark market research and the quantitative study.
  • Next, we proposed to establish a distribution scheme and a start-up schedule :
    • Development of a distribution strategy for this new B2B product, from canvassing to customer loyalty.
    • Description of a start-up schedule including a PoC(Proof of Concept) and the recruitment of a project manager.
  • Finally, the realization of the Financial business plan :
    • Study of the project's set up, revenue prospects and return on investment for this new product.
    • Creation of financial forecasts, including a financing plan and cash flow budget.

Contributions of the mission carried out

The mission allowed HEC Junior Conseil's stakeholders to work on specialized fields and current issues in the context of the new PACTE law of 2019.

The PERcat project was able to be implemented thanks to the work done by HJC.

At the end of this mission, Préfon sent us an internship offer within their company, demonstrating the quality of services of HJC as well as the opportunities that our Junior Entreprise can offer to HEC students.

If you are now convinced that HEC Junior Conseil is the right Junior-Enterprise for you, we invite you to contact us directly!

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