
February 14, 2023

Why call upon a Junior-Enterprise when you are a start-up?

More and more start-ups call upon Junior-Enterprises to carry out certain missions in order to survey their market or to confront their ideas to this market. Whether it is to reach ...

February 10, 2023

Testimony of a client on a business plan realized by HEC Junior Conseil

Business Plan for Dom et Vie: example of a study conducted by HJC
HEC Junior Conseil conducted four studies for Dom et Vie in 2021, proof of a successful retention of this company...

February 06, 2023

What is the difference between a benchmark and a competitive intelligence?

Benchmarking and competitive intelligence are two essential elements of a competitive or market study. But these two components are differentiated by the means used to conduct them...

February 01, 2023

2 examples of qualitative studies carried out by HEC Junior Conseil

What is a qualitative study?
What is a qualitative mission?
A qualitative study aims to evaluate criteria that are difficult to quantify. To do this, it is often...

January 31, 2023

A look back at the career of an alumnus of HEC Junior Conseil (an M&A)

HEC Junior Conseil is a structure that has been bringing together motivated HEC Paris students since 1971 who are committed to providing the best possible support to their clients. It counts more than 700 alumni, i.e. a...

January 20, 2023

What will tomorrow's EJ look like (CSR, prospective missions: Blockchain, cybersecurity, etc.)

Thirty years ago, the students of the Jouy-en-Josas campus met in the offices of HEC Junior Conseil to have access to computers and printers. Three decades ago, the...

January 11, 2023

The rise of Junior-Enterprises: a long-term trend?

In 1967, the first French Junior-Enterprise was born; today, there are more than 200 Junior-Enterprises and 25 000 "junior entrepreneurs" in France. On a worldwide scale, these figures are increasing...

January 06, 2023

An example of an unusual mission carried out by HEC Junior Conseil

If it is obvious that HEC Junior Conseil carries out missions for consulting firms or other large companies, it is more difficult to suspect how much we can also ac...

December 01, 2022

Business Schools and Politics

In view of the previous presidential elections, youth is becoming more and more a crucial political issue. This is a very special electoral segment, as young people are the population that is most likely to ...

November 23, 2022

Why work for a Junior Enterprise when you are a student?

According to the CNJE, a Junior-Enterprise is a pedagogical consulting association. It allows students to carry out missions for professionals in return for payment. The Junior-Enterprises...

November 21, 2022

What are the services offered by HEC Junior Conseil?

HEC Junior Conseil depends on HEC Paris and the National Confederation of Junior Enterprises. As such, our association carries out consulting missions for companies and individuals ...

November 17, 2022

Why have your business plan and pitch deck made by a Junior-Enterprise?

In the life of every entrepreneur, there comes a time when you have to make your first business plan and your first pitch deck. However, whether it's your first business plan/pitch deck or you're just starting out, you'll need to...

Displaying 1-12 of 21 articles

Latest articles

February 14, 2023

Why call upon a Junior-Enterprise when you are a start-up?

More and more start-ups call upon Junior-Enterprises to carry out certain missions in order to survey their market or to confront their ideas to this market. Whether it is to reach ...

February 10, 2023

Testimony of a client on a business plan realized by HEC Junior Conseil

Business Plan for Dom et Vie: example of a study conducted by HJC
HEC Junior Conseil conducted four studies for Dom et Vie in 2021, proof of a successful retention of this company...

February 06, 2023

What is the difference between a benchmark and a competitive intelligence?

Benchmarking and competitive intelligence are two essential elements of a competitive or market study. But these two components are differentiated by the means used to conduct them...


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