
Why join a YW ?

For many students entering business school the world of Junior Enterprise seems to be covered by a veil of mystery. Between fantasy, rejection or simply lack of knowledge, many grey areas hover over these professional student associations. The purpose of this article is to answer, at least in part, the questions of students, by detailing the reasons that should motivate them to join a Junior Entreprise.

mandate squid gain HEC Junior enterprise

Discover the world of work:

Maybe it is the most obvious reason, but it is good to remember that what the Junior Entreprise will bring you first is a training, a framework and professional experiences. After having spent 2 or 3 years following exciting, stimulating and varied courses during your pre-preparatory years, you will undoubtedly be looking for a much more concrete training.

Let's not forget that the purpose of this training is to prepare you to be as "plug-and-play" as possible for your entry into the job market, and in particular to carry out consulting missions for a wide range of clients.

This is the first call that HEC Junior Conseil comes to answer and this from the training that will be delivered during your first month in this institution. During an intense but exciting month of January, the members of HJC will train you so that you can then carry out missions for various clients. Customer satisfaction, quality control, mastery of professional software, prospecting, management of an association, the quantity of subjects to discover or deepen is very rich and will give you a technical background that goes far beyond the simple framework of a student association. Let's not forget that the purpose of this training is to prepare you to be as "plug-and-play" as possible for your entry into the job market, and in particular to carry out consulting missions for a wide range of clients.

Indeed, being part of HJC means learning to carry out in a team very diverse missions that overlap with those you will have to carry out during your professional life.  

To face concrete problems of the business world: strategic issues, communication...

After your time at JE, quantitative and qualitative studies, market research, business plans, documentary research and strategic assessments will no longer hold any secrets for you. Conducting missions from A to ZYou will discover the different issues involved, from compliance with legal standards, deadline management, graphic design, quality of writing, management of project managers, dialogue with the client, signature of documents, etc.

You will also have to face complicated situations (that you may encounter in the working world) that will allow you to develop your ability to react and adapt which will be useful throughout your life. Carrying out missions also means working on your customer relations, learning the uses of communication, being reactive, available and attentive. Communication starts with listening.

Giving yourself all the keys for your entry into the job market

Your experience at HJC will also allow you to build up your resume by emphasizing your role in various missions that have marked you. Indeed, the mention of this prestigious institution and the evocation of various missions testify to your determination and professionalism.


During your numerous missions you will be working with very large CAC40 companies as well as promising start-upsThis will give you something to show for your experience and qualities during the interviews you will have to do to get the internship or the job of your dreams. Of course, having completed assignments for HEC Junior Conseil gives you a an indisputable lead over other students with regard to the recruiters from consulting firmsAs its name indicates, HEC Junior Conseil is an association whose goal is to respond to the demands of its clients, but above all to advise them in order to help them as best as possible. But this is also true for the vast majority of sectors because the strength of HEC Junior Conseil is to carry out missions for clients from an immense diversity of sectors. Would you like to get an internship in a prestigious fashion house? Describing the role you played in an assignment for a major luxury house will surely be useful. Thus being part of a Junior Company doesn't just add a line on your CV, but through the offers you the opportunity to put yourself forward through all the missions you have carried out.

Discovering others:

After this overview of what HJC can bring to you professionally, it is good to remember that a YM is also a association of students, friends who work and live togetherIt is also a team. During each of your assignments you will be working working in pairs with another HJC member. You will therefore have to learn to work efficiently as a team but also learn to trust others. At the heart of this magnificent association, you will also have a functional position that will give you responsibilities on essential subjects to the smooth running of HJC. And then HJC is also associative events, parties, weekends JE and a handover week in a dream destination that remains secret until the last moment.   

know your customers

Go to the discovery of the customers

Discovering others also means discovering the clients with whom you will collaborate on each mission. This client relationship is cultivated to allow not a simple exchange of directives, but a dialogue in which you will be both listener and speaker.

Discovering others also means discovering the clients with whom you will collaborate on each mission. This client relationship must be cultivated to allow not just an exchange of directives, but a dialogue in which you will be both listener and speaker. You must not forget that you must advise the client You must not forget that the client has to know the best options available to him and for that you must learn to know the client, à know his needsthe current events in his sector, the specificities of his activitybut also his prejudices, his biases and perhaps sometimes his shortcomings to help him/her in the best way. It is possible that during the course of an assignment you will develop a relationship with the client because they will be satisfied with your results and the dialogue they have had with you, a relationship that will lead the client to return to HJC for other assignments or that may help you when you are looking for an internship in this field.

Discovering yourself:

This last point may not be the one that comes to mind first when thinking about the I and yet it is undoubtedly the most important.

During your mandate at HEC, you will be confronted with a wide variety of missions for clients with very different profiles. From individuals to large CAC40 companiesFrom innovative start-ups to small and medium-sized companies, HJC's client panel will allow you to discover the fields that interest you.

You think you're interested in the world of consulting firms, but you don't know what the day-to-day life of people who work in this field is like? Do you want confront yourself with the constraints of the consulting field to test your personality? HJC allows you to discover if this world is made for you, while confronting you with an immense diversity of environments through its different missions.

This is indeed the strength of HJC: you are immersed in the world of work within an academic setting. For many students for whom the world of work and business often seems opaque and distant, this experience within HJC is both a way to discover their preferences, but also to demystifying the world of work by replacing the dreaded plunge into the unknown at the end of studies with a progressive and enriching insertion.


Did you know?
HEC Junior Conseil assists companies in a variety of missions: creation of business plans, benchmark....

In addition, HJC also allows you to discover the functional role that is right for you. Are you more attracted to business development, external representation, relations with the administration, with alumni, or are you more sensitive to cash flow and internal operations? Being part of HJC is the ideal opportunity to answer these questions, without waiting to be part of a company. By giving you an associative role, HJC teaches you to manage responsibilities, to trust others and especially to trust yourself.

In short, we can only encourage you to join a YW, to enjoy an unforgettable experience, at the crossroads between associative life and professional issues, and which will undoubtedly leave a mark on your future life in the working world.

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