An example of an unusual mission carried out by HEC Junior Conseil
If it is obvious that HEC Junior Conseil carries out missions for consulting firms or other large companies, it is more difficult to suspect to what extent we can also accompany honey producers, flip-flop manufacturers or even biodegradable pots. However, HEC Junior Conseil has already had the opportunity to get involved in many unusual missions and we share one of these experiences with you in this article.
The Associated Beekeepers
Course of the mission

Les Apiculteurs Associés is a French SME specializing in the packaging and sale of honey to large and medium-sized retailers. In order to identify the needs and expectations of their customers, the company called upon HEC Junior Conseil. In order to identify their action levers, the company asked us to carry out a quantitative study to gather a maximum of consumer feedback on their products
Aware of our client's expectations, we supported him by adjusting our offer to his needs. We suggested a market study to obtain a more precise and exhaustive overview of consumer behavior at the global, national and local levels. It may seem complex to produce such an original study; however, by following a rigorous methodology, HEC Junior Conseil managed to produce a quality analysis.

First of all, thanks to the students of HEC Paris, we administered questionnaires in supermarkets to better perceive the appetence of customers for their products. This first phase allowed us to identify the drivers of consumption. Despite the atypical aspect of the analyzed market, we were able to provide our client with precise recommendations by distinguishing, for example, monofloral and polyfloral honeys or the different consistencies of honey.
Then, with the help of an M2 student from HEC Paris who had already done an internship in a consulting firm, we analyzed the data collected. We thus provided a precise study of the world market, then the French market and finally the local market in order to best advise Les Apiculteurs Associés according to their projects.
The added value of HEC Junior Conseil
Our client was able to benefit from various advantages by calling on HEC Junior Conseil.
Firstly, we were able to involve competent and experienced HEC Paris students - notably thanks to a rich internship for the M2 student, who helped us in all phases of the study: from the administration of questionnaires to the elaboration of the market study.
Then, we relied on very complete databases such as Xerfi or Statista in order to better understand the stakes of the study. We were able to cross-reference our data and thus highlight phenomena that reveal the market's behavior.
Expansion to other missions
The choice made by Les Apiculteurs Associés to call on HEC Junior Conseil was the same as that of many other companies working in original or targeted fields. For example, we have carried out missions for an ecclesial movement or a company actively working on biodiversity. We have therefore developed an expertise in these limited fields, but our methodological rigor and our adaptation have largely borne fruit.
Read also: what are the services offered by HEC Junior Conseil?
HJC's directors, armed to meet our customers' expectations
Thanks to the general courses provided to us at HEC, we can respond to a large number of requests. The Excel courses that each student received in the first year and the data analysis courses are, in this case, a guarantee of the quality of our work. But the diversity of these courses (accounting, macroeconomics, contract law, etc.) allows us to be complete and to apprehend a large number of missions with serenity.
Moreover, the administrator of the Junior Entreprise who worked on this project was a student of the double-diploma with ENSAE Paris Tech and thus combined the practical knowledge acquired at HEC with other technical knowledge on data management. A large number of profiles within HEC Junior Conseil or more generally on the campus allow us to have an in-depth knowledge of certain fields thanks to the various licenses (law, history of art, philosophy) or other double-diplomas offered by the school's partners (X, Mines, AgroParisTech, Sciences Po Paris...).

HEC Junior Conseil, an EJ capable of responding to a wide range of requests
HEC Junior Conseil is thus able to adapt to the needs of its clients, whatever the proposed mission. Thanks to its methodological rigor, the quality of the courses given at HEC Paris, the diversity of profiles that make up the association, and the diversified databases on which it can rely, the association has a series of assets that ensure the quality of its studies. There is therefore no need to censor yourself when calling upon HJC: from market research to quantitative analysis, as well as more original missions, we will be delighted to handle each of your requests.