More and more companies - ranging from small SMEs to large CAC 40 groups - decide to call on Junior-Enterprises for the problems they encounter. Over the last few years, HEC Junior Conseil has, for example, had the opportunity to work with nearly 90% of the CAC 40 and more and more start-ups are also calling on our structure to draw up their business plans and pitch decks in order to raise funds. But how can we understand this craze around Junior-Enterprises? What are the advantages of working with a Junior-Enterprise?
We have selected for you three good reasons to use a Junior-Enterprise.

Save time and money
"Time leaves us, wearies us, freezes us and always wins " said Jean-Jacques Goldman. What if we decided to stop letting time win and to take the plunge by starting to carry out our projects in collaboration with a Junior-Enterprise?
Using a Junior-Enterprise is a sure way to save time in the realisation of your projects. You will have at your disposal project managers available to answer you at almost any time of the day. The deadlines are often much shorter than when you have your projects done by freelancers or consulting firms. Junior-Enterprises adapt to you, and meet your needs in record time.
Using a Junior-Enterprise is not only a way to save time, but also a way to save financial resources. If consulting firms seem to offer much less affordable rates, Junior-Enterprises allow you to carry out your projects for a few hundred or a few thousand euros. Working with a Junior-Enterprise also allows you to reduce the costs of the mission and increase the quality of the output compared to an in-house realisation. By working with a Junior-Enterprise, you also have indirect access to their paying databases, which can save you thousands of euros. A simple market study in these databases can indeed sometimes cost several thousands of euros. HEC Junior Conseil, for example, has more than 150 databases, which enables its project managers to produce high-quality work that is always up to date.
Benefit from theexpertise and international network of students from the best schools in the world
Working with a Junior-Enterprise allows you to benefit from the expertise of students in all fields, as well as from the powerful networks of these business or engineering schools. Indeed, Junior-Enterprises work in close collaboration with the alumni networks of their schools and this allows them to exploit this network when carrying out your missions.

Did you know that?
By working with HEC Junior Conseil, you have privileged access to one of the best alumni networks in the world with more than 60,000 alumni. V
You also have access to Master 2 students with double degrees from the best engineering schools in France and around the world (Polytechnique, ENSAE, etc.) and can work with a panel of 4,000 students from over 95 different nationalities. You will also be able to work with Master 2 students who have already completed a one-year internship in the most prestigious strategy consulting firms, in private equity funds or in large CAC 40 groups.
Participate in the training and development of tomorrow's leaders
By using a Junior-Enterprise, you are not only making the best choice for you and your projects, but you are also enabling experienced students to deepen their skills, knowledge and achievements. These students regularly work with all types of companies - from SMEs to CAC 40 companies to tech start-ups - and generally experience a much steeper learning curve than their non-Junior-Entrepreneur peers. 85% of theJunior-Entrepreneurs find that this experience has increased their professional skills. By working with a Junior-Enterprise you contribute to the training of tomorrow's leaders while giving life to your projects.

Now that you know more about the 3 main reasons to use a Junior-Enterprise, we invite you to discover the Junior-Enterprise of HEC Paris, HEC Junior Conseil :