
What will tomorrow's EJ look like (CSR, prospective missions: Blockchain, cybersecurity, etc.)

Thirty years ago, students on the Jouy-en-Josas campus met in the HEC Junior Conseil offices to have access to computers and printers. Three decades ago, as the Internet was becoming popular, the few computers on campus belonged to the JE.

Today, every student has a laptop and no longer visits the administrators of the JE to get a printer. However, HEC Junior Conseil is still very popular with students and still plays a central role in the school's ecosystem. In a way, HEC Junior Conseil, the Junior Enterprise of HEC Paris, has been able to anticipate technological changes and adapt to the expectations of students. In a constantly changing society that does not hesitate to challenge the business model, anticipating and thinking about today's business is essential to save tomorrow's business. That's why we propose here a little trip to the future to discover what tomorrow's EJ could look like.


A state of the art EJ

A Junior Enterprise is an intermediary between the business world and student life. It is composed of students and recruits exclusively from among the students on campus in order to carry out its missions. It therefore benefits from a formidable emulation through its proximity to the students. On the other hand, the primary function of a Junior Enterprise is its educational function. It allows students to apply their lessons. Junior enterprises operate within prestigious schools that collaborate with renowned researchers. This way, they are close to innovation. Moreover, schools have many programs to promote entrepreneurship and innovation. The HEC Paris incubator, for example, represents more than 400 projects and more than twenty different sectors of activity.

 More concretely, HEC Junior Conseil works with state-of-the-art tools in order to deliver quality services that meet the requirements of its clients. In particular, HEC Junior Conseil has decided to modernize by implementing an ERP to automate its administrative processes. In parallel, it has created a dedicated position to improve the ERP system year after year. The advantage of a Junior Entreprise is that it has a great flexibility in the choice of its software. Being composed of students, it adapts more easily and quickly. While some companies continue to store their data in silos, HEC Junior Conseil has since opted for storage via a cloud.

HEC Campus

A human "I

Today, many companies are committed to the environment and to a more ethical management of the company. Today this trend is confirmed and is beginning to be perceived as a necessity. HEC Junior Conseil has anticipated and taken the lead in this evolution. Indeed, several years ago, HEC Junior Conseil entered into a partnership with the HEC SSE gas pedal. 

The gas pedal for entrepreneurs of SSE SMEs wishing to develop their businesses and increase their social and environmental impact. HEC Junior Conseil is committed to helping these SMEs by offering them discounts (-20%) on the missions they carry out. HEC Junior Conseil wishes to continue its commitment to sustainable growth by increasing the number of partnerships of this type this year and in the years to come.

The HEC EJ has the particularity of being a full-fledged association with its own life, projects and daily involvement. There is a real sense of cohesion within the mandates and among the alumni.

The EJ is also involved with students on campus by awarding prizes to campus associations that fight against global warming. The JE prize is a competition in which any humanitarian association or group of HEC Paris students can participate and try to win up to 2,500 euros by convincing the jury of the relevance and seriousness of their project. HEC Junior Conseil also grants loans within the framework of The Rise, a microcredit competition in partnership with Esp'r Asso, the association in charge of promoting the fight against global warming on campus, and Babyloan, a company that combines microcredit and solidarity finance. HEC Junior Conseil regularly helps charitable associations on campus. For example, it donated 5,000 euros to Dream of Childhood, an association that helps hospitalized children in 2016. 

HEC courses

On the other hand, to be part of the HEC EJ, you have to pass through professional tests and animate the campus for six weeks during a long and trying campaign. During this campaign, students must show their cohesion within the different lists and convince the campus of their commitment. Associations such as HEC for equality and Espr' give deposits to the lists that are most committed to the environment and gender equality. This year, a deposit was awarded to the list that obtained the most blood donations in one day. The campaign to integrate HEC Junior Conseil was also the occasion for a massive collection of sanitary towels.

The HEC EJ has the particularity of being a full-fledged association with its own life, projects and daily involvement. There is a real sense of cohesion within the mandates and among the alumni. Thus, the 18 members of the JE are constantly looking for solutions to improve the well-being of the administrators. Today, the project of creating a CSR pole within the EJ is more than envisaged.


Although HEC Junior Conseil is adapting and evolving to meet current environmental, technological and social issues, it still retains the timeless values that make it so enduring. Indeed, HEC Junior Conseil has been able to evolve without abandoning its fundamental values. HEC Junior Conseil is much more than a "company", it is an association that links hundreds of people through a powerful intergenerational bond. The values of HEC Junior Conseil have remained the same since 1971 and have been the soul of this institution since its creation. For fifty years, HEC Junior Conseil has been committed to providing high value-added recommendations and to ensuring the quality of its services through the monitoring of a quality manager. It is also committed to listening to its clients throughout the mission. HEC Junior Conseil also respects the work of the people who participate in the missions by paying them properly and by remaining at their disposal throughout the mission. Tomorrow's YI will have undergone many changes: it will have adapted to remain at the cutting edge of technology. It will have kept a human face by promoting a more sustainable and just world through its internal and external policies. But despite these changes, we will always be able to recognize HEC Junior Conseil because its unchanged fundamental values will have stood the test of time.

If you want to know more about HEC Junior Conseil, contact us!

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