Articles published by Arthur Voyant

November 02, 2022

2 examples of market studies carried out by HEC Junior Conseil

HEC Junior Conseil conducts nearly 50 market studies for its clients each year, which makes it one of the most requested services. For this reason, it seems important to go back over the...

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Latest articles

February 14, 2023

Why call upon a Junior-Enterprise when you are a start-up?

More and more start-ups call upon Junior-Enterprises to carry out certain missions in order to survey their market or to confront their ideas to this market. Whether it is to reach ...

February 10, 2023

Testimony of a client on a business plan realized by HEC Junior Conseil

Business Plan for Dom et Vie: example of a study conducted by HJC
HEC Junior Conseil conducted four studies for Dom et Vie in 2021, proof of a successful retention of this company...

February 06, 2023

What is the difference between a benchmark and a competitive intelligence?

Benchmarking and competitive intelligence are two essential elements of a competitive or market study. But these two components are differentiated by the means used to conduct them...


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