Creation of a benchmark

Why development Is a benchmark essential?

HEC Junior Conseil is used to assisting companies in carrying out benchmarks in order to position themselves in relation to their competitors. Benchmarking is a one-off study The benchmark consists in comparing the positioning of a company with that of competitors deemed to be efficient on strategic points such as operational performance, customer relations, marketing strategy, customer satisfaction or pricing.

After a benchmark, a clear picture of the performance gaps and their causes is needed to define and implement measures for improvement. The benchmark thus makes it possible to discover whether there is a performance gap between the client's company and the competitors that can be closed.

The final objective of the benchmark is to draw inspiration from the best practices of competitors in order to adapt them and integratethem into its own strategy. Its results are generally presented in the form of tables, graphs or matrices in order to visualise the differences in performance between your company and its competitors.

For example, HEC Junior Conseil recently carried out a benchmark for a European leader in energy transition. The company wanted to review the way they calculate their performance via, among other things, organic growth by comparing them to other companies in the sector. In this context, HEC Junior Conseil carried out a qualitative study about our client's competitors and then a benchmark with our strategic recommendations.

Contact HEC Junior Conseil to have your benchmark done

For more information and to find out everything about benchmarks, we invite you to read our article :

4 steps for your project

data collection market research

1. Preliminary research on the market and on the competitors targeted (or to be targeted)

From websites, social networks, specialised press sites or one of the 150 databases to which HEC Junior Conseil has access

data collection market research

2. Structuring the Benchmark according to the type of companies to be compared and the client's needs

data collection market research

3. Formatting the benchmark

data collection market research

4. Delivery of the final deliverable (in Powerpoint format) and strategic recommendations

Write to us

If you would like more information, leave us a message with your request and your contact details and we will call you back as soon as possible!


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